Tuesday, September 05, 2006

blogging sure feels different on a new macbook. :) pristine, white, and dangerously shiny.

i promise for some photos to come, of dinner at east coast grill, an early evening stopover at the brand-new all-star sandwich bar, and friday's spree of funkyzeit festivities. i have to do some serious flickring and over-due blogging, but i'm sure it'll all be worth it! you'll feel redeemed with the pix of amazing international fashion magazine spreads that i'll share with the internet audience...

new sans serif! you know you want to clicky clicky. hear me completely overpronounce french names and hear the next best zero 7 remix this side of the pond. i got to revisit some old favourite artists with new stuff, including portishead, bt (you have no idea how obsessed i was with mister brian transeau), and basement jaxx.

btw, since i'm starting out on a clean slate with my computer, i'm wondering if i should change rss newsreaders. on my other machine, i used rssowl exclusively, a generally robust and open source application, despite its strange quirks to abort abruptly while losing a lot of recent changes since the last official application launch. however, i may be up for something new, either browser-, web-, or standalone-based. any strong feelings toward one or another? thanks!


Blogger Unknown said...

mmmmmm, brand spankin' new macbook. lucky, lucky you!

~ hb33, applauding happily 4 u ~

1:11 PM  

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