bliu blog
just the thoughts and dreams of a blithe pixelgirl
About Me
- Name: christine
- Location: boston, massachusetts, United States
the gig: urbanspoon community manager. i also write, consult, and generally obsess about food, drink, fashion, design, and media. please email me! new prospects == yum.
View christine's linked-in profile
state of affairs
- national community manager, citysearch
- boston city editor, citysearch
- lifestyle correspondence, including the boston globe, dailycandy boston, boston magazine, the weekly dig, go2 media
- freelance graphic design, print + digital
link and think me!
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Citysearch Boston on Facebook
my projects
- : the official
gateway to christine liu my portfolio
design, media, writing, fashion, résumé- sociable media at mit :
designing interfaces for communication + interaction - sans serif on wmbr 88.1fm :
intelligent dance music
hosted by liucubed - sigtronica on wmbr 88.1fm :
experimental electronica
hosted by niknak
[liucubed, dj emeritus] - seamless fashion show :
v.3 at the boston museum of science, jan 2008
v.2 at the boston museum of science, feb 2006
computational couture at the mit media lab, may 2005 - masters thesis:
urbanhermes, electronic fashion signaling, spring 2006 - view older projects here
(pacman legacy, too)
my flickr
last listening to
- syntheticpawn [tristan]
- wetelleachotherstories [ryan rose]
- squar3 [david]
- zeitkunst [nick]
- db-db [francis]
- otelhan [orkan]
- contrary [arzu]
- azinman [aaron]
- prof [judith donath]
- katekunath [kate]
- david-lu [david]
- mintymonkey [elise]
- alisonlewis [alison]
- populartransit [diana]
- albinski [emily]
- bluealvarez [jen]
- toshiclark [toshi]
sxsw blogroll
- we make money not art
- coolhunting
- mocoloco
- shinyshiny
- popgadget
- newstoday
- core77
- apartment therapy
- decor8
- shelterrific
à la mode
- spaksmannsspjarir
- bazaar adriatic
- foundation garments
- karmaloop
- the english dept
- fanny + delphine
- stel's
- pixelgirlshop
- relish
- museum of useful things
- art star philly
- poketo
- twinkle by wenlan chia
feed yourself
- the amateur gourmet
- kitchen apartment therapy
- good food on kcrw
- chowhound boston (i miss the old boards!)
- cooking for engineers
- dessert comes first
- cupcakes take the cake
- bribe me with a muffin
- gastronomica
- chow
- everyday food
- slow food
- boston organics
caffeine fixtures
my photography is featured in the montréal (canada) and cape cod (US) interactive maps
-->knitter's geek code
\\ Version: 1.1
\\ refer to geekcode docs
KER++ Exp+ SPM+ Steel Alum- Wood+ Bam++ Pl Cas? AddiT? Den++ Boye? Syn- Nov+ Cot Wool++ Lux++ Hemp? Stash Scale+(+) Fin Ent? FI? Int+ Tex++ Lace+ Felt? Flat Circ DPN Swatch KIP Blog SNB EZ FO+ WIP+(+) GaugeDK(W)(B)+ ALTSw
Previous Posts
- waitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminute.where are the va...
- oh yeah, check this out. it's a summer smg project...
- i had this massive plan to compose three witty, am...
- ooh la. guess what, ladies and gentlemen?the 40th ...
- i love this
- bits of curiosity have gotten the better of me thi...
- i always do this.i have this backlog of bloggable ...
- clarification -- my birthday has not yet come to p...
- i love catmum (my one skein pal) for many, many re...
- today's lust object: a dress for my birthday? hee....
Thursday, August 10, 2006
ooh, cool. why EMS? i've only received stuff through then when it was sent from japan...
Whoo! I recognize that kind of a page with signatures. I remember what an awesome feeling that was.
Congratulations, a little in advance.
*pant pant pant*
~ hb33 ~
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