Thursday, May 18, 2006

in case anyone out there has the jones for some sultry glitch and snails on a theremin, last night's sans serif is now online.

new awesome artist i want to investigate more: flying lotus on plug research.

[what can i scramble up?]

looks like the song i played last night (remix of my room is white by mia doi todd) was at one point kcrw's top tune.

this radio playlist mentions mister cyborg show on cdr. i cant find this track anywhere else... google, you've failed me! perhaps this is a bootleg track?

a smattering of tracks on the sound of L.A. volume 2, and an upcoming 12" orbit brazil.

and then a drip-drop of tracks on

i want to hear more. flying lotus, break out. put me down for the upcoming releases. i want to find you in my search results rather than chinese acrobats! *collapses into remixed fluster* so encapsulated in mystery... so underground i want it now...


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