here. food. to whet the bloggy appetite.
for today, a takeaway lunch from the very convenient IGA supermarché au complex desjardins. veal cacciatore (tomato-tinged 'baby moo!') atop rotini, and some 'baos de longévité' that were adorable from afar, but absolutely throat-parching at first bite. imagine a plump, pink bun filled with lotus paste...

with all the softness and moisture obliterated with an utter, painful death. i think i need a refund on the promise on longévité. however, i forgive because of the cute. don't we all?
at the end of a long and exhausting day, voilà dinner, via vincent via leo, at le café du nouveau monde (here's a a review in english). the restaurant was jam-packed while we waited for a table for over half an hour, but at precisely 8pm the place became a ghost town. all the bustling clientele left for the performance in the adjacent théâtre du nouveau monde (i saw a lot of stylish french women complete with their skirts, boots, scarves, and doe-eyes). i enjoyed the warm goat cheese with sun-roasted tomatoes and fresh basil (über-gooey and delish!), and the salmon with bok choy, shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes, and a soy + lime marinade, with liberal sprinkles of sesame seeds. fantastique asian fusion, and yumyum to the flavourful salty fishy.

ah, bon.
maintenant, je dois dormir! autrement, je mourrai. c'est triste. c'est vraiment triste. *ronfles*
oh IGA, how i miss your wonderful pastry selection. and le cheval blanc bière... mmmm...
quand tu vas sorti?
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