Wednesday, June 29, 2005

secret knitpal revealed! hooray!

felicity soles of has been the sweetest secret pal any knitter could ask for.

there was a little drama regarding the 3rd and final package. i didnt hear much from her after the first bit of june (just an email teaser from her), and then weeks of silence. after conferring with the krsp admins, i got in touch with her... an anticlimactic but necessary disclosure of identity. felicity claimed she sent the package on june 5. but i haven't received anything since then! uh-oh... panic set in. i called the mailroom at my apartment and waited anxiously as they 'looked around' for the missing package. and luckily, it was languishing back there along with the other brown boxes. but oh! if only they knew that package was being received with so much anticipation! erg to mailroom people. another good reason (among many) why i am moving off-campus after this summer...

anyway, she sent the package with a critter theme! the lovely contents:

  • supercute jcrew coral corduroy summer hat with embroidered ducks
  • felted fish pattern
  • colorful balls of brown sheep wool for the fish
  • knitted hedgehog pattern
  • crazy fuzzy yarn for the hedgehog
  • felted flamingo pattern
  • set of 10.5 dpn
  • bucket of lemonheads (how'd you know i *love* sour things?)
  • a gazillion rolls of sweetarts (on occasion i drink pickle juice!)
  • an adorable miniature card, sweetly written

also, a round-up of the past packages:

  • a lovely card, with a chartreuse teapot!
  • three balls of cotton (in springy green, yellow, pink)
  • a tiny green tote bag
  • helpful knitting tools
  • polka-dot knitty notions bag
  • lots and lots of chocolate (which i still have some leftover!)
  • bathtub treats
  • the spring 2005 issue of interweave knits
  • weekend knitting by melanie falick
  • a lot of indispensible knitting helpers and doodads
  • gift certificate to adagio teas

big hug to felicity (and a pat on the head to lexi and cj), and thanks so much for a fantastic swap experience!


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