this is so like boston. the puritanism does get a little exasperating at times, but it's good to know that celebs dont get special treatment at bonfire. at this moment, i love you, todd english.
March 8, 2006 -- TEEN queen Amanda Bynes had to settle for soft drinks on a recent trip to Boston. The 19-year-old actress was carded with her "She's the Man" co-stars during dinner at Todd English's Bonfire. Their handler, Dayna D'Itria, objected, saying, "I spoke to the manager, and I thought we had an understanding," a Page Six spy reports. After IDs were checked, everyone but Bynes ordered cocktails - but the server declined to bring them two drinks apiece as they had ordered. A spokeswoman for Bonfire said, "We abide by Massachusetts state law. We're not in the business of serving teens alcohol." A rep for Bynes said, "She never asked for a drink." --pagesix
wait, handler? a handler, otherwise known as an elbow-nudging manager-buttering misunderstood-understanding law-breaker? for lack of a better phrase, that's kind of wack. boston is not meant to be elbow-buttered, that's for sure. (mmm, mac + cheese...)
[source nypost, via thesuperficial]
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