heyheyhey. i'm alive, i'm back, i'm writing, i'm online. sorry for the blogtastic hiatus, the last couple weeks have been simultaneously heartracing and chillaxing. i will definitely blitzblog about the remarkable events (with pictures!) soon enough, though i completely know firsthand the unsurmountable difficulty it is to write about something 4... 24... 194 hours after it transpired. such is the constant forwardness of life's narrative.
anyway, big news today. unbelievable. it *snowed*. ALL DAY. holy moly, winter is here in boston. *rubs eyes* october 29th, to be sure. when big fluffy white flakes started falling around 1pm this afternoon, i yelled, my roommates ran, and the scene was completely surreal. weather like this? now?? whee! i ran outside in my flipflops and took some amaaaazing footage such as that below: (click on pics to view short films in quicktime format)

i spent most of the afternoon skedaddling around central square, dodging the icy flakes melting coolcold on my cheeks, trying to find some halloweeny inspiration. tonight we're having a little spooky shindig at our apartment, all of us like one big happy family. [we even went shopping at trader joe's together! awww.] i already have a cute costume, which should be arising on the internets sometime later this weekend, but was perusing the best and brightest in holiday decoration on a last-minute weekend. all i can say is that everything, everywhere is plastic and made in china. i was momentarily tempted by fake blood capsules, but i knew that only the *real deal* would do for tonight. heh heh hehhhhh....

here is what cambridge looks like from under my pink umbrella. as snow was falling, softly, incessantly, parts of town looked like it came straight from a norman rockwell illustration. so cute and towny and historically fond. i loved seeing the contrast between the snow and the surfaces it began to blanket. look; doesn't it kind of look like a forest? for... ants?

the adorable doggie was outside of dado tea, where i was dropping off a package of shoes to ups. i must give a huge thumbs-up to zappos, the online purveyor of shoes, for their excellent customer service. basically, one of the zippers on these knee-high black leather naturalizer boots which i adore (and wear 24/7) broke last week and i was stuck with boots that don't, well, bootup. i contacted zappos through their little web contact form, and someone called me back in ten minutes. even though i bought the shoes back in february, they still were happy to give me a brand new replacement pair, and send me a mailing label to return my bad shoes. no shipping fees, no weird clauses, no questions asked. it was amazing to see them send me boots, with 2-day rushed delivery, even when my broken ones are scuffed and worn from eight months of usage. experience was supergreat. after this ordeal, i i wholeheartedly trust their quality of service.
i cracked up so bad when i saw this retail display at artist craftsman and supply. i totally was the queen of gimp. well, before my knitting days, i was really into making friendship bracelets, so i bought hanks of embroidery floss at the age of 11. i even got creative by incorporating metallic lurex thread and finishing them off with real jewelry clasps. but yeah. GIMP. salty days at sailing camp and pulling those slippery suckers of string so they would tighten with each weave. i hear you, deb*. they really do add a certain something to the look.
* I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.
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