Monday, May 05, 2003

kazoos, hydrogen balloons, tschaikovsky. allow me to ring the bells.

one order of spicy turkey chili; six spoons, please.

cross-disciplinary modes of operation.

nuance is something that separates the cocktail from the mixed drink; the lindy from the jitterbug.

a dress was procured after inquiring a large audience of christian women.

dark chocolate decadence, let me feed you, i can only handle a little at a time, lick.

ballroom dancing makes one incredibly sexy, confident.

seven eight, five eight, four four, six eight, three four, eleven eight.

round and thin are given, while the square and thick are expected. shape dictates taste.

my little toe thinks you're cute, too.


wanting lemon, to linger from a porous container, refreshing, voluptuous, tap.

you spin your wheels; seconds equal shredded, line-smeared origami.

the sand dissolves in your mouth, within sweetness and sin coalesce -- form melts beyond.

there is no (white plastic) spoon. gifts.